Crystal Fighters
Finally I’ve got a twitter account purely
for my blog, @MainlyMusic, any updates/ requests will be on there wohoo how exciting. (I received a message from Crystal Fighters the other day and screamed a little)
Crystal Fighters have such a unique sound and for some reason it makes me revise like a nut.
They have managed to take all the feelings of summer and mould them into songs, it's weird how fresh and just plain pleasureable-to-listen-to their songs are. Muy festivale!
They're an English Spainsh mash-up, which makes sense due to the prominent carnival vibes they give off (making their songs scream summer and sun and heat and booze and ahhh and excitement)
I had a gander around twitter and the general consensus is that they're are 'siiick' and their gigs are 'amazzzzzzzing' which in all fairness i'd have to agree with, but perhaps in different words.
However it's not all praise for our lovely little band, they constantly receive reviews commenting on the fact that they have changed their songs to make them more 'accessible to the masses.' But you know what, it doesn't bother me, their tunes are still bloody brilliant so I honestly cannot complain. But I do see that hardcore fans would want them to return to their hardcore 'ravier' days, but things change so you might as well embrace the change and not complain haha.
Before you judge listen to an array of their songs, and don't be too closed minded!
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